2024 FOSDEM Events

What’s happening during and around FOSDEM 2024?

Add events here, ordered by date, and include the datetime, location, and a link to the event.

You can update the list by sending a merge request for this file in the website repository.

Monday, 29 January 2024

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Thursday, 01 February 2024

  • Mautic Community Sprint
    • 31 Jan - 1 Feb 2024
    • Dropsolid, Moutstraat 60, 9000 Gent, Belgium
  • CentOS Connect
    • 01-02 February, 2024
    • Royal Room at Radisson Collection Hotel, Grand Place Brussels, 47 Rue du Fossé aux Loups, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
  • Software Heritage Symposium
    • 01 February, 2024
    • UNESCO Headquarters, 2 place de Fontenoy, Paris, France
  • CHAOSScon EU
    • 01 February, 2024
    • Beford Hotel and Congress Centre, Rue du Midi 135 Brussels, 1000, Belgium

Friday, 02 February 2024

Saturday, 03 February 2024

    • 03-04 February, 2024
    • Université libre de Bruxelles, Campus du Solbosch, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium (transportation)

Sunday, 04 February 2024

    • 03-04 February, 2024
    • Université libre de Bruxelles, Campus du Solbosch, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium (transportation)

Monday, 05 February 2024

Tuesday, 06 February 2024

Wednesday, 07 February 2024