FLOSS Foundations Software for Nonprofits
Donation Management
- LedgerSMB – Not Ready Yet.
- Josh creating software from scratch.
- Discussed funding, etc.
- OpenERP / TinyERP
- Need to check out – can we adapt it?
- DonorWare proprietary. Probably won’t open source.
Event Management
- PentaBarf Content Management
- Linux Fund RSVP system – BETA
- Eventnations – O’Reilly System, may be open sourced.
- People using Meetup.com – expensive
- SugarCRM, vTiger
- Concursive
- CiviCRM
- Aldil French membership management software
Why not just use payroll services? Too difficult to maintain rules/taxes yourself
- Paychex
Working Group
TBA. Josh Berkus, Bradley, Others.